Monday 9 August 2021

Why? Why? Why?


Over the past three months of change, from one of moving positively into a post-Covid season of work and ministry opportunities in Athens to one of becoming absorbed into a world of consultations, scans, and blood tests in N Ireland, we have experienced a lot of mood swings. Sometimes, it’s a quiet resignation that all is in God’s hands. He will bring good out of it, as He always has done - we only need to be patient. But more often it’s the big question - Why?

Last evening, we listened in to the online Sunday service from HTB Church in London. **

The speaker, Rachael Wooldridge, talked about how it’s okay to ask the question Why?, even though it might make you feel unspiritual or somehow doubting God's goodness. Of course He has a plan. Who are we, as mere mortals, to question it? 

When every young parent is bombarded with incessant ‘Why’s?’ from their four year old, as Rachel pointed out, the ‘why’ questions are all part of developing the parent child relationship. Through constant inquiry, the child gradually figures out how this world works, and the parent guides and loves the young inquisitive mind through a maze of uncertainty and fear.


Questioning God is important.

God invites us to ask Why? Well then - here are a few of ours. 

If it was in your plan to tear us away from Greece, after just one year, half-formed as it were, then why…

Why give us that deep inner sense of calling, of rightness about this move, and all the changes it entailed, from Portugal to Greece, learning a new language etc?…

Why did you keep that apartment in Anatolis 85 prepared for us all those months  -  from Jan 2020 when we first saw and liked it to July 2020 when we eventually managed to get to Athens after lockdown., and find, against the odds, that it was still available You kept it there, clean and empty and unrented, till we could come, even reducing the asking price for us, all confirming for us it was your choice?

Why  provide all the resources we needed to set up a home just the way we wanted, and in a manner we really felt we could be us. Even down to the detail of  being a place where we could happily survive lockdown, surrounded as we were by trees and quiet places to walk?

Why help us through all the post-Brexit mess in record time, providing us with residence permits allowing us to stay and serve in Greece for the next several years?

Why excite and energise us with all the many opportunities to help and support, immigrants, refugees, Greek pastors and Christian workers, and place us in this vibrant city for such a time as this?

Why introduce us to so many, young and ..well, more our age..  Greeks and non Greeks, and help us develop strong bonds of friendship that normally would take years to grow, only to be snatched away again? …


And to each and every one of those “Why’s?” There’s also a “Why not?" 

If it serves God's plan and purpose to have us where we are right now, 

to be planted and flourish, and make a difference here where we are..

Then .. Why not?

Therein lies wisdom. 

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