Wednesday 4 September 2013

The Godfather

No, not about the movie, but rather the concept of what it means to be a godparent. It’s one of those churchy things that people look at as a nice way of including your best friends in the joys of having children and bringing them up. Here, in Portugal it’s taken pretty seriously, and considered a great honour (and responsibility) to be asked to be “padrinhos”. And not just in the Catholic tradition, but also it’s very common among the evangelical churches, and not just “padrinhos” at the time of baptism/dedication of the child, but also at weddings. Friends who will stand alongside the new couple, and commit to give a spiritual support and nurturing to their relationship.

It’s certainly given us a special relationship with Duarte, our godson. At the weekend, I was detailed to look after him while Anna and his Mum were with other ladies at a party. When mum Sandra told him that Peter will be looking after you, he said “Yaay!” And then she said “You know that Peter and Anna are your padrinhos, don’t you.”  and explained a little bit what that meant. “Oh”, and then he thought for a minute “Então, Peter pode me afinar também?” (Peter, can refine me as well)

He had just been attending a children’s summer camp, at which they had apparently had a session in which they had been talking about spiritual growth and maturity. The leaders had mentioned the role that parents and godparents can have in refining or polishing our character as we grow up (afinação). That was a nice touch. Makes me want to make sure I do a good job as well.

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