Friday 27 May 2011

Jacaranda Mist

A beautiful ethereal amazing sight. The jacaranda trees in blossom alongs the streets and in the parks of Lisbon. The come into flower in early May and continue more or less through till the end of the month. It’s a short season, like the cherry blossom. it begins with a kind of lavender coloured mist at the tops of the bare trees lining the Alameda dos Oceanos here in Parque das Nações. The leaves tend to come later. Then gradually the trees fill out into a fully body of colour as though the paint from the treetops was slowly dripping down through the branches. The avenue, for a few short weeks, turns into that distinctive shade of mauve or purple. Then the blossoms begin to fall and the canopy becomes a carpet beneath your feet.

Psalm 145 says that “all of God’s works shall praise Him, speaking of the glory of His kingdom, and talking of His power” and Psalm 19 speaks of ”day unto day uttereth forth speech” and that the heavens declare the God and show his handiwork. Nowhere better displayed than in the Jacaranda mist that is covering Lisbon at present

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