Wednesday, 12 September 2007

East of Eden

That, according to the account in Genesis Chapter 4, is the location of the world’s first city, as designed and built by Cain following his exile from the Garden. In a perverse sort of way, in the popular Christian mindset, the “city” is sometimes thought of as intrinsically godless and nurturing all manner of social evils and vices, not a place where Christ reigns. But Revelation Chapter 21 shows the “city” as the centrepiece of God’s redemptive activity, and in the imagery it is once again restored to Eden.

I have recently been reading Tim Keller’s writings, and fascinated to explore this view of the “city” in God’s plan and purpose for the world. I’d never heard of Keller before, but the name cropped up in conversation on two separate occasions the other weekend when we were in down south in Clonmel and Kilkenny. He's an inner city pastor in Manhatton with a very clearly communicated vision of God's plan and purpose for the cities of our world. A good place to find a summary of his articles and stuff about him is

Suddenly in my head, a lot of things came together and I got quite excited. The motivation that is pushing us toward Lisbon, which has always been in part a desire to be involved in a vibrant urban ministry - but I never quite figured out whats behind it --- until now. The idea of being involved in the Park of the Nations, in the heart of Lisbon city takes on a fresh new significance.

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