Sunday 3 February 2013

Biggest Wave in the World

Some people come to Portugal with a single purpose in life - to be able to surf on some of the biggest waves in the world. Last week, Garrett Macnamara  flew half way across the world from Hawaii to do this, and broke his own previous world record, entering into the annals of surfing legend by riding what was believed to be a 100 feet monster in the Atlantic off the coast at Nazaré!  He described the experience as  “.. like snowboarding down a giant mountain. You're just chattering, flying down this bumpy, bumpy mountain. Your brain is getting rattled.”

It made me think about what drives a man (or a woman) to travel half way around the world like that to ride a monster wave. Anna also voiced it by asking “Now, how did he happen to know that by coming to Nazaré on the 28th of January he would find his record wave?” Of course that is as much down to a bit of scientific know-how as anything else - ocean topography, currents and weather patterns and all. But the fact is that Garrett, and many others like him, will dedicate their lives, their income and their relationships to following the surf.

Question I am pondering. How much do I dedicate my time and resources, and how much do I research and seek to understand, in order to ride the wave of God’s will in my life? For, if you talk to any surfer, it’s the thrill, the energy and the power that they want to experience, and that makes them follow. Well, what greater power is there in life, than following after the Creator of this world, in His plan of restoring all things to Himself? My, I need to get onto that wave!

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