Thursday, 21 February 2008

Beautiful Day!

Seven Occasional Meditations for Lent #3 Creation

It's a beautiful day
Don't let it get away
It's a beautiful day
See the world in green and blue
See China right in front of you
See the canyons broken by cloud
See the tuna fleets clearing the sea out
See the Bedouin fires at night
See the oil fields at first light
And see the bird with a leaf in her mouth
After the flood all the colors came out

It’s a beautiful day
Don't let it get away

There’s sometimes so much sunshine here you can get blasé about the beauty of creation. Clear skies over the clear blue of the river – herons and flamingos – day after day – not always – but a lot of the time. So it takes a day of rain to change the scenery - and what rain. Just after the newspapers had reported the driest winter in 91 years, we have the wettest day in ten years or so. The heavens opened, the rains poured down the streets, and in some areas it seemed that the fountains of the deep had also opened!! But after the rains, the evening sunshine, and a masterpiece of colour, shades of grey and eggshell blue, with a touch of vermilion and burnt sienna.

Creation might not seem such an obvious topic for Lent and the run up to Easter, but in the dark clouds that gather around the cross and in the bright dawn that floods the skies over the empty tomb, the creativity of Gods plan and purpose is unveiled. God, in Christ, actively dealing with all the hurt and pain and evil that this world contains, “reconciling the world unto Himself”

Against the backdrop of this almighty drama, the world takes on a different hue. The storm clears. The clouds reveal a different aspect. All of a sudden there’s hope for the suicidal, healing for the wounded, forgiveness for the desperate. Enjoy creation, in the light of what God has done. Revel in the immense variety, enjoy the richness, rejoice in the colour. It's God's world. He made it, and he has saved it.

Oh happy day
(Oh happy day)Oh happy day

When Jesus washed
(Oh when he washed)
When Jesus washed
He washed my sins away!

He taught me how
to watch and pray
Oh Happy day, Oh happy Day

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